Thứ năm - 08/07/2021 16:28 Đã xem: 1628

Why did you believe in Buddha?
You can believe in Buddha through the following 3 factors:
I - You can believe the Buddha through history.
II - You can believe in the Buddha because He had practiced becoming a Buddha.
III - You can believe in the Buddha because He had the ability to guide sentient beings to become Buddhas.
I - You can believe the Buddha through history:
Someone asks if you believe someone who did not have a real history. Were they real? Surely you answered no. Because people had no historical background, no one knows where they were born. Where did they live? Who are their parents? And how did they study and practice?
If they did not have parents, then they did not have a human body either. In the case, they did not have human bodies, then how can we know them? They were good or bad people. 
If they did not have a human body, how could they give you the teachings? Do you think that they could give you teachings through feelings or dreams? certainly not. So they have no teachings either. Therefore, you believed in someone absolutely, but they had no history. It means that they came from your dream and imagination and so on.
You believe in Buddha because Buddha had a real historical origin. He was a real human being.
II - You can believe in the Buddha because He had practiced becoming a Buddha:
Someone asks you: "Is there anyone who doesn't study or practice but becomes a doctor, dentist, doctorate, and master, etc.?" surely you answer no immediately.
Someone asked you: "Is there anyone who doesn't study or practice and become a Saint or a supreme and a powerful person?" surely you answer no immediately. Because there is no one who becomes a saint without studying or practicing. In this case, you recognized someone as a Saint, a holy person. Did you know how they became a Saint, a holy person? If you did not know, it means that you had created yourself.
You believe in Buddha, because, Buddha is the one who realizes the truth of life and the truth of the true mind. These were the truth. Second, the Buddha had cultivations to become a Buddha. His practices were precepts, Samadhi, and wisdom.
These are reasons, you can believe in Buddha.
III - You can believe in the Buddha because He had the ability to guide human beings to become Buddhas:
If you considered someone as a Saint, a holy person, a Buddha, a God, etc. then you should know that they had abilities to guide you a Saint or not. In this case, they had no ability to do that. It means that they were not only names but they also fake saints.
You believe in Buddha because the Buddha had abilities to guide you how to become an Arahant, a Bodhisattva, and a Buddha through practices of meditation and the Tripitaka.
If you believe in someone as known a saint, a holy person, a god, etc. but they had no histories, no cultivations, no abilities to guide you to become a Saint, it means that you are superstitious.
The Buddha had the above three factors. That's why you believe in Buddha.

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