Thứ tư - 11/10/2017 19:08 Đã xem: 2986
+  Who is the lord Buddha?
  1. The lord Buddha is a person who enlighten the truth of the life and the truth of the mind.
  2. The lord Buddha is a person who is liberated from reincarnation. Because he attained nirvana ( no rebirth ).
  3. The lord Buddha is a person who is purely, peaceful in the mind and he had many kabbalahs. Because he kept precepts and did meditation.
  4. The lord Buddha is a compassion, lovely kindness person. Because he vowed that he rescued all sentient beings.
  5. The lord Buddha is a wisdom person. Because he taught us how to remove the greed, hatred, ignorance; how to solve the sufferings.
+ Why do you trust the lord Buddha?
          The lord Buddha was a real human being and real history. He have real sourse of cultivation for to become a Buddha. For exemple: He practised to keep precepts, meditation and wisdom.
          That is a reason why we trust the lord Buddha.
+ What is buddhism?
  • Buddhism teach us how to become a Buddha. Because the lord Buddha said that all sentient being have Buddha nature. So the lord Buddha said that i had become Buddha already; everyone will be the Buddha in the future, if everyone practise the lord Buddha `s teaching.
+ What is the lord Buddha `s teaching?
The lord Buddha teachs us 3 points:
I - Do not do any evil.
II - Do all good things.
III - How to purify the mind and keep the mind silence.
I - Do not do any evil by keeping 5 precepts.
For exemple:
  1. No killing human beings and animals.
Who commit killing precept, the police will put him in the prison. The prison is the hell being. So the lord Buddha give precepts not only for the buddhists, but also for everyone
  1. No stealing.
This precept is the same above
3) No sexual misconduct.
         You can get married with one only for to have a happy family.
4)No telling lies.
No one trust you, if you lies with others. Unless you benefit yourselve and other peoples, then you can lie. For exemple: the thief ask you: “where is your money? In this case, you can lie with him.
5) no drinking wines and drugs.
-       If you are drunk, you can not con troll what you talk; what you do; what you think.
-       Being drunk can reduce the memory, damage the brain.
-       You can not be aware and develope wisdom.
II - Do all good things for to have a good karma:
For exemple:
1)Eat vegetarian, befree all sentient beings.
- Eating vegetarian for to reduce killing.
- Befree all sentient being is to perform your love and compassion.
2) Practice giving and benefit others peoples.
         Practice giving and benefit others peoples is to create merits and good karma.
III - How to purify the mind and to keep the mind silence.
- If the mind is peaceful, you can live happily. It means that the lord Buddha teach you how to live happiness.
-  If the mind is peaceful, clean and purely. It means that the lord Buddha teach you how to become a Saint, how to become a Bodhisattva and how to become a Buddha.
*For exemple: through practice of meditation.
+ The benefits of meditation:
  • Reduce thinking
  • Reduce worry
  • Reduce tention
  • Reduce stress
  • Balance the body and the mind ( good health )
  • Improve the memory
  • Good concentration
  • Good mindfulness
  • Have a Peaceful and happiness
  • Being enlightenment
  • Being clean, purely in the mind
  • Develope compassion
  • Develope wisdom
+ How to practice meditation?
         Pratising meditation have many methods. The basical meditation is to follow and to count the breathing.
  1. Sitting posture:
8 Ways to Sit for Meditation
In all of these variations, make sure your head is directly over your heart, and your heart is right over your hips, so your vertebrae are stacked. I recommend that you sit on the front edge of a rolled-up blanket, pillow, or cushion; this supports proper alignment—bringing the hips slightly above the knees and allowing the pelvis to tilt forward. Positioning in this way will emphasize the natural curvature in your lumbar spine, bringing stability to support a straight spine for extended periods. Plus, cushions also make your seat more comfortable, which is the #1 rule.
In a Chair
Description: How to meditate in a chairChairs make it easier for most people to sit still for longer periods of time, especially those with knee issues who have trouble in some of the floor-bound postures. If you choose to sit in a chair, make sure both feet are firmly on the floor. If your feet don’t reach the floor, you can use a blanket or blocks under the feet, so they feel supported. You can either sit up straight toward the edge of your seat, or use the back of your chair for support if you need it. In either case, pay attention to the alignment of your spine, and note that it can be easier to sit up straight without using the back of your chair. A cushion or pillow under you may provide more comfort, and will bring your hips slightly over the knees so you’re well-stacked and supported.
Against a Wall
Description: Sitting cross legged against wallDescription: Sitting against Wall, legged extendedYou can use the wall or a piece of sturdy furniture to help you sit up straight. Cross your legs or extend them out in front of you, whatever feels most comfortable. A cushion (zafu) or blanket under you works well here, too.
 Kneeling with Support Between Knees
Description: kneeling meditationWhile you don’t need to use a prop between your knees when you’re kneeling, it takes the pressure off your knees and ankles, and is quite comfortable. You can use a pillow, a zafu cushion turned on its side, a rolled-up blanket, or a yoga block, and place it right between the knees and under your buttocks.
 *For the following cross-legged variations, I’ll use references to “right foot” and “left foot,” to make instructions easy to understand. Feel free to swap right and left in any cases to meet your optimal comfort level.
Easy Pose
Description: SukasanaEasy pose is a simple cross-legged position, where your knees are wide, your shins are crossed, and each of your feet is below the opposite knee. You probably loved this pose when you were a kid. I don’t recommend easy pose for meditations over a few minutes, it isn’t an incredibly stable seat, and it can be easier to round the spine in this position. Plus, I’ve found that my feet tend to fall asleep faster in easy pose than any other meditation posture.
If you want to try it out for shorter meditations, it’s great for stretching the knees and ankles, and opening the hips. Make sure to use a prop under you to elevate the hips.
Burmese Position
Description: Burmese PositionThis is a variation of sitting cross-legged. If you’re just starting out, use a meditation cushion or pillow. Sit on the front half of the cushion or pillow, bend your knees in front of you, then rotate your knees out to either side, sitting in a cross-legged position. Bring your left heel to the inside of your right thigh, and your right heel to lightly touch the top of your left foot, ankle, or calf, so it sits slightly in front of you. The sides of your knees may touch the ground and if they don’t, you can use pillows or blankets under your knees for extra support.
Quarter Lotus Pose
Description: quarter lotusUse a zafu or pillow here as well, and set yourself up in the same way as described for Burmese position, sitting on the front edge of your cushion, allowing your hips to open and legs to cross in front of you. Keep your left foot on the floor to the inside or below your right thigh, and your right foot to rest on the calf of the left leg.
 Half Lotus Pose
Description: Half lotusSame position as quarter lotus, except you place your right foot to rest on the top of the left thigh instead of calf.
 Full Lotus Pose
Description: Full LotusFull lotus is the most stable and symmetrical of meditation postures, but only if you’re flexible and it feels comfortable for you. If you force yourself into full lotus, you can injure your knees. To come into full lotus, begin in the same way you set up for quarter or half lotus, but this time you’ll bring your left foot to rest on your right thigh and your right foot to rest on your left thigh.
 If you meditate in half or full lotus, make sure you’re able to sit with a straight spine and with your knees close to the floor. If that isn’t the case, take a modified meditation seat until you’re open enough to maintain proper alignment in lotus. I also recommend alternating legs, from day to day or half-way through your meditations—so that the bottom foot spends some time on top—to create an even stretch and weight distribution.
Try them all before deciding which variation is best for you. Happy meditating!
  1. Practising meditation: Let the breathing go in and out normally. The breathing go in and out, then counting one;  The breathing go in and out, then counting two and continous counting until ten. After that, recounting from one to ten. You can set up the time from 15 until 30 minutes, it depends on you.
  2. Massage: After meditation, we massage whole body before standing. Join in two hands and massage until warmly. Massage the eyes, the face, the head, the ears, the nack, the shoulder, the back, the legs. Then we can standing.
Good success!

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