Thứ bảy - 14/03/2020 12:08 Đã xem: 3429
THE INDIAN BUDDHIST CONGREGATION `S PURPOSESNamo Sakyamauni Buddha!Dear the most venerable Bhikku Sangha!Dear all the Dharma friends!The Buddhist Congregation of India established on 19/02/2020 at Bodhicariya Buddhist Vihara, Address: Maitree Nagar, Chakma road, New Town, Rajarhat, Kolkata. The founder was a Vietnamese monk, Ven. Thich Hanh Dinh. He is living in Norway. He did organise a Sangha meeting whom presented most venerable master Bimal Bhikkhu, Ven master Sadhananda Chakma, Ven. Sanghapala Thera, Ven. Jina Piya Thera, ven. Anuruddho, Ven. Sumana Tisha Thera, Ven. Jina Piya Thera, Ven. Povangkar Thera, Ven. Loka Jyoti Thera, Ven. Saranapal Mahathera, Ven. Purna Nanda Thera, Ven. Shanti Ratna Thera.etc. . During meeting, everybody were delighted to agree to establish Buddhist Congregation of India.
Address:  Maitree Nagar, Chakma road, New Town, Rajarhat, Kolkata.
Tel: 0091 – 7980588152; Email: bbhikkhu@gmail.com
Facebook: Buddhist Congregation of India
Website: www.buddhistcongregationofindia.com


Namo Sakyamauni Buddha!
Dear the most venerable Bhikkhu Sangha!
Dear all the Dharma friends!
The Buddhist Congregation of India established on 19/02/2020 at Bodhicariya Buddhist Vihara, Address:  Maitree Nagar, Chakma road, New Town, Rajarhat, Kolkata. The founder was Ven. Thich Hanh Dinh, a Vietnamese monk. He was Norwegian citizen in 1989; He became a Buddhist monk in 1997 at Vien Giac Monastery in Germany. His master is the most ven. Thich Nhu Dien. He did organise a Sangha meeting whom presented the most venerable master Bimal Bhikkhu, Ven master Sadhananda Chakma, Ven. Sanghapala Thera, Ven. Jina Piya Thera, Ven. Anuruddho, Ven. Sumana Tisha Thera, Ven. Jina Piya Thera, Ven. Povangkar Thera, Ven. Loka Jyoti Thera, Ven. Saranapal Mahathera, Ven. Purna Nanda Thera, Ven. Shanti Ratna Thera.etc. . During meeting, everybody were delighted to agree to establish Buddhist Congregation of India.

India have many religions. Buddhism is one of the biggest religion in India. Many countries had been being Buddhist countries such as Thailand, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, China, etc.  and Nowadays, Buddhism had spread to Australia, America, Europe, ect. . We can say that Buddhism had become a international religion in the world. Everyone did know that Buddhism came from India. So Indian Buddhism was really original Buddhism and Buddhism was a Buddhist country in the Mauryan dynasty, particular in the Ashoka king`s times. However, nowadays Indian Buddhism is a small number in India, about 0,7 % of Indian population. Therefore, nobody knew who are the representatives of Indian Buddhism, Indian Sangha and where they are ,etc. . These are reasons that we would like to organise Buddhist Congregation of India. It will be a official organisation that is representatives of Buddhism and Sangha community in India. Indian goverment, foreigner country can know us and contact us through Buddhist Congregation of India. Particular, we will be a membership of International Buddhist council. Besides, our congregation aims as following:
1 - BCI set up Sangha community more properly and stronger. All Buddhist Monks gather together, cooperate together, help each other and live harmony in Sangha community. Then Sangha community will be stronger and stronger. Monk is a member of Sangha community. So, monks should live harmony in Sangha community. If you live separately. You are not Buddhist Sangha.
2 – BCI will organise the Sila transmittion ceremony for Sangha.
3 – BCI creates to have harmony and good connection in Sangha community. BCI will have Buddhist national meeting and festivals in yearly.
4 – BCI provides official certificates for all Buddhist Vihara and Sangha community, even all Buddhists.
5 - BCI gives education for Monks, Nuns and Buddhist through Buddhist school and meditation courses etc.
6 - BCI organises Buddhist activities and meditation courses for students and teenagers.
7 - Buddhist Congregation of India is  a official organisation. So BCI is able to protect Sangha community and other things.
8 – BCI will help all Viharas developing Buddhism.
9 – BCI can help constructions in the remote area.
10 - BCI notify Buddhist informations to all viharas by online.
11 – BCI is able to do charitable works in society.

BCI will try on our best to focus the development of Buddhism in India and oversea. These are  Sangha community`s duties and responsibilities.
          Thanks for your all cooperations and helpfuls.
Namo Sakyamuni Buddha!
Yours in the Dharma!
Nagpur, Date on 25/02/2020
 Bhikkhu Thich Hanh Dinh

1 -  President in charge: Ven Bimal Bhikkhu
Abbot: Bodhicariya Vihara
Head office: Maitree Nagar, Chakma road, New Town, Rajarhat, Kolkata, West Bengal.
Tel: 0091 – 7980588152
Email: bbhikkhu@gmail.com
Bhante Bimal Bhikkhu
2 - Coordinator: Ven Thich Hanh Dinh
Abbot of Phat Linh Temple
Add: Tan Hoa ward, Phu My distrist, Ba Ria – Vung Tau province, Viet Nam
Tel: 0084-1228053737
Email: thichhanhdinh@yahoo.com
Website: www.chuaphatlinh.com
Ven Thich Hanh Dinh
3 - Vice president in charge: Bhante Sadhanananda Chakma
Abbot: Bodhi Prajna Buddhist Vihara
Main office: Village - Sashi Ranjan Chakma. Basti .(Labangfa Nala), P.O.& P.S-Barlongfar, Dist: Karbi Anglong  (DIPHU ), State –Assam, India Pin -782447
Tel: 0091- 9365820351, 9967961623
Bhante Sadhananada Chakma
4 - Head secrectary: Ven. Sanghapala Thera
Abbot: Dhamma Sagar Buddha Vihara
Add: Tathagat colony, ramnagar cidco-n2, Aurangabad, Maharashtra-431003
Tel: 0091 -7899611599
Email: bsanghapala@gmail.com
Treasurer: Bhante Sangha Pala
5 - Education in charge: Ven. Anuruddha Thera
Abbot of Paramshanti Buddha Vihara
Branch office: Malavli Taluka Maval, District Pune, Maharashtra 410405
Tel: 0091 - 9175510087
Email: bhanteanuruddho@gmail.com
Bhante Anuruddho
6 - Treasurer and vice secretary: Bhante Udayan Chakma
Bodhicariya Secondary school
Add: Maitree Nagar, Chakma road, New Town, Rajarhat, Kolkata.
Tel: 0091 - 9436311278, 8910356044
Email: chakmaartistudayan@gmail.com
Bhante Udayan Chakma
7 - Financial in charge: Ven. Jina Piya Thera
Abbot of  Dajabawl Buddha Vihara
Main office: P.O.- West Pailang, District – Mamit, Mizoram. Pin: 796431
Tel: +91-9612231032/
Email : jinapriyob@gmail.com
Ven. Jina Piya Thera
8 - Name: Mangal Chakma
Dhamma Name: Buddha Mangala Bhante
Monastery: Arjyo Mitra Buddha Vihar,Gautampur.
Add: Village: Gautampur, P. O + P.S: Diyun , Pin: 792103, Dist: Changlang, State: Arunachal Pradesh
Tel: 9366592045.
Email: mangalchakma67@gmail.com
Bhante Mangal Chakma
9 - Vice president in charge: Ven. Ariya Bangsha Bhikkhu
Namojyoti Buddha Vihara
Golokpur Balinong, Karsang Changlang,  Arunanchal Pradesh. Pin 792122
Tel: +91- 9862339681
Email :
Bhante Ariya Bangsha Bhikkhu
10 - Vice president in charge: Ven. Povangkar Thera
Main office: Bodhicariya Tripura Branch.
Tel: +91-8415955964
Email : skiro1985@gmail.com
Ven. Povangkar Thera
11 - Vice president in charge: Ven. Loka Jyoti Thera
Main office: Siddhatha Mảrket, Khanpur,Dr. Ambedkar Nagar, Near Devli More, New Delhi. Pin - 110062
Tel: +91-9716864180, +91-8076588923
Email :
Ven. Loka Jyoti Thera

12 - Vice president in charge: Ven. Saranapal Mahathera
Abbot: Bodhi Dharma chakra Buddha Vihara
Main office: Sarnath, Uttar Pradesh.
Tel: +91-9450370618
Email :
13 - Vice president in charge: Ven. Purna Nanda Thera
International Meditation Center(IMC)
Main office: Bodhgaya, Bihar state.
Email :
Ven. Purna Nanda Thera
14 - Vice president in charge: Ven. Shanti Ratna Thera
Abbot: Takashshila Buddha Vihara
Main office: Bhim nagar. beharam bag. new link road, jogeshvari west, Mumbai, 400104, Maharashtra state.
Tel: +91 - 9892942727
Email: bhanteshantiratna77@gmail.com
Bhante Shanti Ratna
15 - Vice secretary: Arun Pandurang More
Add: 135 New Pali, Dr.Ambedkar Road, Khar (Weast) Mumbai 400052
Tel: 0091 – 9326153973/9769914523
email: arun.nibban@yahoo.com.sg
Mr: Arun Pandurang More
16 - The Buddhist culture in charge: Ravindra Vishram Garud
Add: 4/71 Mahthma Gandi Hospital, Dr. S.S. Rao road, Parel Mumbai 400012
Tel: 7977928112; 9820439998
Email: ravigarud27@gmail.com
Mr: Ravindra Vishram Garud
17 - The Buddhist information in charge: Partha Bratim chakma
Add: Rm 1. Tara Maa Bravan Phase 2. Flat No B. 2 ND floor, Kolkata, West Bengal. Pin 90059. India
Tel: 0091 – 9798209222
Email: parthachakma@yahoo.com
Mr: Partha Bratim chakma
18 - Memberships:
- Bhante Kalyan Jyoti
Add: Bodhicariya Secondary school
Maitree Nagar, Chakma road, New Town, Rajarhat, Kolkata.
Bhante Kalyan Jyoti
1 - He has at least 3 generations of Buddhist family. It means that his father and grandfather are Buddhists.
2 - He has been Bhikkhu at least 15 years up.
3 - He was completed at least high school.
4 - He had good Buddhist education and practice.
5 - He did not have any debts or commit any crimes.
6 - He has a good background.
7 - He has good knowlegdes and experiences of manegement.
8 - He has a good personality and has been trustful by Sangha community.
9 – Only President in charge and head vice president in charge should be elected by all memberships. Others delegates are able to elect by all delegates of BCI.
10 - President in charge and head vice president in charge can be elected maximum 3 terms.
All delegates are representatives of BCI and Sangha community. So, they should have good Buddhist education, good practice and good personality.
* Conditions to elect a president in charge and head vice president in charge:
1 - He has at least 3 generations of Buddhist family. It means that his father and grandfather are Buddhists.
2 - He has been Bhikkhu at least 15 years up.
3 - He was completed at least high school.
4 - He had good Buddhist education and practice.
5 - He did not have any debts or commit any crimes.
6 - He has a good background.
7 - He has good knowlegdes and experiences of manegement.
8 - He has a good personality and has been trustful by Sangha community.
9 – Only President in charge and head vice president in charge should be elected by all memberships. Others delegates are able to elect by all delegates of BCI.
10 - President in charge and head vice president in charge can be elected maximum 3 terms.

* Commen rules and regulations:
1 - All delegates must deliver a curiculum vitae one year before election.
2 - All delegates can not be elected; If they commit silas (precepts), commit crimes or have debts.
3 - All delegates will be elected by a majority 51% up of all the delegates of BCI.
4 - Secretary will notify the namelists of all voters whom elected President in charge and others in front of the Sangha community, on newspapers, or on online. Then everyone are able to check their votes exactly or not.
5 - The delegates have already been elected by majority of delegates of BCI. Then everyone should be happy to accept and pay respect to them. No one are not allow complain or causes fighting. All the delegates are temporary representatives in 5  years for BCI, for Sangha and for Buddhists. They have big responsibilities for developement of Buddhism.
6 - The election is for a term 5 years. After 5 years, all delegates `s term will automatically be expired. So, we make new election.
7 - Election will be organised on December 01. The term start on January 01.
8 - If voters are absent in election time, then their votes will be deleted.
9 - If the delegate would like to resign. Then he can send resign application form to BCI.
10 - Treasurer report the Congregation `s financials monthly. If anyone use the Congregation `s financials so much for personality. BCI may be send this case to the court.
11 - All members must be honest, faithful and trustful in BCI and in Sangha community.
12 - The delegates must inform head secretary. In the case, he can not join in meeting. If the delegates do not take part in meeting so many times. Then BCI can change new delegate.
13 - All delegates have responsibility to complete their duties and send report to BCI.
14 - Everyone are freely to give suggestions by letters or applications to BCI. A majority of all delegates accept it. Then BCI will do apply this matter.
15 - All delegates do not cause disunity, if who cause disunity and divide the Sangha, they will be expelled from BCI.
16 - After election, all delegates will vow to follow BCI`s rules, regulations and to vow to complete BCI `s duties in front of Sangha community.
17 - All the delegates do just only Buddhist services for BCI. No one are allow to do political works, business works, .etc . .
18 - The rules and regulations can be changed by majority 51% up of all delegates. Individual is not allow to change the Buddhist Congregation `s rules and regulations.
19 - The Buddhist Congregation is representative for Sangha community. Sangha community manages all the activities of BCI. What regards to Sangha community, financials and constructions of BCI, then all delegates have to organise meeting. These matters will be decides by majority 51% up of all delegates. Individual is not allow to decide them alone.
20 - Yearly meeting are two times a year, on the first june and the first december.
21 - All members have to memorize the Congregation `s rules and regulations.
22 - All members have to unite each other and to cooperate each other in order to protect Buddhist Congregation and Sangha community.
Namo Sakyamauni Buddha!
Mumbai date 28/02/2020
Ven Thich Hanh Dinh

“The times pass away very quickly,
The times do not wait for anybody,
We should not wait for the times,
We have to use the times to maintain the Triple Gems in order to benefit living beings.”


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